Microk8s is a single-node Kubernetes cluster for the Ubuntu development workstation. Kubectl, Kubectx, Kubens command line tools belong to the basics. The daily mood I got assigned the task to analyze our release cycle in Kubernetes . So first step is to read a bit, setup a single-node cluster on my local workstation (a developer laptop) and get familiar with it. There is a comprehensive guide for installing a Kubernetes cluster from scratch using kubeadm tool , but you can do so much wrong that it is easier and safer to rely on an existing distribution. As an Ubuntu user I am picking microk8s that runs in a snap instead of minikube running in a virtualbox . Because it is just so much lighter and faster. I read afterwards that conjure-up should be even better. Install MicroK8s $ sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.15/stable # comes with exact version 2.14.3 of Tiller $ microk8s.start $ microk8s.en...
Learnings & thoughts collected on-the-job