Skaffold is a client-only tool that watches changes on your local file system for automatically deploying to a local or remote Kubernetes cluster.
The daily mood
I heard several times that Flux may not offer the best developer experience. On one hand it might not fullfill all our requirements as per our Helm custom plugin. On the other hand despite it is fairly easy to use, it might ask developers and DevOps engineers for too much delegation to the operator running "behind the scenes", without offering a clear feedback loop. Today we are looking at Skaffold, a more developer-friendly tool.
What is the particularity of Skaffold
Skaffold follows a declarative approach but is not a pure GitOps implementation since Git is not the single-version-of-the-truth but a local copy of it.
The project was started 2y ago, is backed by Google and actually used behind their cloud-based IDE Cloud Code (IntelliJ/VSC as-a-Service).
curl -Lo skaffold
sudo install skaffold /usr/local/bin/
Client commands
- init: setup project
- config: change project configuration
- build: build your app
- deploy: deploy your app
- render: render Kubernetes manifests
- dev: build and deploy your app every time your code changes
- run: build and deploy your app once, similar to a CI/CD pipeline
- debug: same as run but verbose
Workflow definition
Skaffold follows a very minimalistic, descriptive approach to build and deployment. Each pipeline is configured by a skaffold.yaml file describing a Config object having one section per pipeline stage.
# skaffold.yaml apiVersion: skaffold/v2alpha1 kind: Config build: artifacts: - image: myDockerImage deploy: kubectl: manifests: - k8s*.yaml
When running skaffold from here, the following actions are automatically executed:
- Build a Docker image from source using Dockerfile (if available in current directory)
- Tag the Docker image with default sha256 hash of its content
- Update Kubernetes manifest to use the new image
- Deploy Kubernetes manifest using kubectl apply -f
- Stream logs back from the deployed application
Note that regarding image build we'll give us statisfied with the getting-started example from Skaffold, and the possibility to define a custom command/script instead of standard settings. Also, a default remote image/artifact repository can be set as part of the project configuration.
Regarding application deployment we will re-use the Kubernetes manifest of a custom nginx application from a previous post. So our starting point is the following directory.
$ tree
├── container-configmap.yaml
├── deployment.yaml
├── nginx-deployment.yaml
├── nginx-service.yaml
└── volume-configmap.yaml
Skaffold assists you in the creation of a new configuration.
$ skaffold init --skip-build
apiVersion: skaffold/v2beta4
kind: Config
name: --skaffold
- container-configmap.yaml
- deployment.yaml
- nginx-deployment.yaml
- nginx-service.yaml
- volume-configmap.yaml
Do you want to write this configuration to skaffold.yaml? [y/n]: y
Configuration skaffold.yaml was written
You can now run [skaffold build] to build the artifacts
or [skaffold run] to build and deploy
or [skaffold dev] to enter development mode, with auto-redeploy $ skaffold dev
And that's it! As soon as I change something to the files watched by skaffold, like my nginx replicaCount (nginx-deployment.yaml) or welcome message (volume-configmap.yaml), then Skaffold takes care of updating the cluster. Note that the target cluster cluster context/namespace can be defined as well as part of the project configuration.
We mentioned a couple of times the project configuration which is obviously a global setting which you are able to overwrite on purpose. Skaffold also supports settings per environment via the profile feature instanciated with -p.
$ vi skaffold.yaml ... profiles: - name: local-cluster activation: - env: ENV=local - kubeContext: microk8s command: dev - name: dev-cluster activation: - env: ENV=dev - kubeContext: arn:aws:eks:<aws_region>:<aws_account>:cluster/aws_dev command: run $ skaffold dev -p devcluster
Note that JSON patch notation is also supported by profiles, so that only the required configuration changes need to be specified.
We have tested a more developer-friendly approach to Kubernetes deployment automation. Next we'll have a look at Skaffold integration with Helm, and try to put together some pro and contra in a sort of best-practice.
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